OpenID has been generating a lot of talk in the blogosphere lately, mainly among “web 2.0″ related sites. Don’t know what OpenId is? well, according to the official site:
“OpenID is an open, decentralized, free framework for user-centric digital identity.
OpenID starts with the concept that anyone can identify themselves on the Internet the same way websites do-with a URI (also called a URL or web address). Since URIs are at the very core of Web architecture, they provide a solid foundation for user-centric identity.”
Well, that’s dandy and all, I won’t have to memorize 200 combinations of e-mails and passwords each time I join up a newly created website or service by an unknown startup (wink wink).
But for that we need moremore developers to get around to implement OpenId in their apps, right now some major websites have recently expressed their wish to do so, so why won’t we do that in Rails too? :)
It’s simple, so I gathered a bunch of resources, from simple explanations to videos to help take away any doubts.
What is OpenID and why should you care?
Rails, OpenID, and Acts as Authenticated - Ben Curtis
The OpenID Protocol for a Rails Consumer - Screencast
7 OpenID Resources for Rails Developers - RubyInside
Happy reading.
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