Thursday, December 14, 2006

Ten Reasons

You ask me why I love you so?
I have 10 reasons, and here they go.

10) The way you hold me when you cry.
9) The sound of your breath when you sigh.
8) What I see when I look into your eyes.
7) The way you make me soar into the skies.
6) The scent of your hair, the feel of your skin.
5) Knowing I never want to lose you again.
4) Just sitting around, holding your hand.
3) Holding you as tight as I can.
2) The love you give, so pure, and true.
1) I love you for just being YOU.

1 comment:

Flávio Murilhas said...

Pretty sweet =) Sorry I've come to visit often. Been kinda busy. Adoro-te , beijos *